Things I know & am grateful for…


Here’s a little collection of things I know & am grateful for this week:

I know people deserve to be acknowledged for good stuff they do, even if it’s just “what they get paid for”.

I am grateful for my son’s kindy teachers as they take such good care of him & love him almost as much as we do (demonstrated by homemade caramel fudge & choc-chip cookies). I’m very sad he’s moving out of their room next week.

I’m grateful for the folk at work helping me with the massive task of facilitating 3 weeks consecutive training (demonstrated by Ferrero Rochers). So, so grateful!!!

I know nothing says “thank you” better than chocolate!

I (now) know & am VERY grateful that stuff kids say is usually just that. Often nothing for neurotic overprotective mummy’s to lose sleep over *ahem*

I know & am grateful that Vegemite on toast IS a wholesome and acceptable dinner time offering every once in a while.

I know my babies are growing too fast.

I know if I can’t get my son into our school of choice, I will buy a caravan & set up home in the school car park so we are classified as “in-catchment”.

Ok, so those last two don’t  fall under the “Grateful” category but are definitely things I know for sure!

What are you grateful for this week & what do you know for sure?

Today I’m linking up for the first time with Yay for Home’s Things I Know & don’t forget to pop over to the gorgeous Maxabella loves… for some more thankful thoughts.


 Image from We Heart It


  1. I’ve heard some comments along the lines of ‘that’s what they get paid for’ regarding the wonderful teachers at our school. I say ‘I wouldn’t be able to do that job that well for all the money in the world’. They deserve so much praise it’s not funny!! x

  2. As a teacher, sooo invested in her students – thanks for the gratitude!!
    As a parent, sooo losing track of time – I hear you!
    Hope it doesn’t get to the caravan stage for you.

  3. I do hope you get into the school of your choice, without having to set up home in a caravan in the carpark! And good teachers are hard to come by, they are gold…

  4. WOW! You are very knowing and grateful, and that is lovely to read…. I too was grateful for teachers this week.

    • Thanks! So nice to get positive feedback from other’s about your children isn’t? Sounds like you have made some very wise decisions which are now paying off. x

  5. You “know” a lot! There is much wisdom here! These are such beautiful statements, and I imagine they come from learning valuable lessons, lessons that help you understand that there is no right or wrong, no perfect. And that what lives in between is just great.

    Vegemite on toast sounds like meal to me!

  6. Love all your gratefuls. And working for a chocolate company? YUM! And yes, our babies grow far too quickly. Can we put them in water to slow it down, or something?

    Have an awesome weekend. xx

  7. Mandy rutherford says:

    I am grateful for wine this week and I KNOW I will enjoy a very big glass each night once i’ve put my boys to sleep. And I will be grateful when they do finally go to sleep because then I know I can look at their beautiful peaceful faces and remember that I really do love them regardless of their mischief making.

  8. I know that I love chocolate and vegemite on toast! (not together tho lol). Good luck with the school!

  9. Thanks for joining in! If I could virtually send you chocolate I would 😉

  10. I love my son’s teacher, she cares about them all so much, makes such a difference. Have already told her she isn’t allowed to leave until my next son gets the chance to have her.

    • Wouldnt that be nice! My grade 6 teacher taught my dad! He was obviously a lot older but still a great teacher. I still remember all my favourite teachers from school – they play a big part in happy childhood memories.

  11. Oh yes, chocolate to say thank you works every time!!!
    Ella starts kindy next year. We met her teacher two weeks ago and she was just lovely. So I’m pretty grateful for that! 🙂

  12. Good teachers are amazing 🙂 They make such a difference every single day dont they?

  13. goodgollymissholly says:

    Oh I’m hearing you on the babies growing too fast side of things! How much faster does the time go once you have babies? I don’t like it!

  14. Nee

    I love your new banner! It’s great! I also agree that buttered Milk Arrowroots on the way to school is an excellent breakfast option! (Gosh, I hope no one from Family Services reads this. Arrrgghh!)

    Anne xx

  15. Totally agree with the Vegemite on toast as viable dinner option! We are so lucky that the school our daughter is enrolled at doesn’t have a ‘catchment area’. Only downside to that is there are 1200 kids from prep to yr 6!

    • We are trying to get into a new school which has boomed since it opened this year. We have a slim hope as we have Will’s name down since it was only a plan but we won’t find out until November! My nerves won’t last until then!

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