Little rituals

I have been going through a rough patch of late (better known as “life”).  I must admit I have to work very hard some days to keep from dropping my bundle. I feel I have been failing dismally.

So, in an effort to regain some semblance of control over my feelings and reactions, the last couple of days I have tried to be more mindful of what triggers my stress, anxiety, depression, frustration,  ANGER… well you get the picture… 

In doing this I have realised that I do a multitude of little things each day in an attempt to prevent myself from decompensating completely. My daily rituals include:

 A morning shower which I cannot function without. Full stop.       

Michael Buble’s Crazy Love CD (specifically tracks 4 & 5)  which I listen to in the care with my boys on the way to kindy. They know all the words (even Nick who can barely say “milk”) and sing along at the top of their lungs.  Switching on this CD instantly calms us all from the stress of the morning rush and makes us feel happy & loved up which is exactly the way I want to leave my babies as I toddle off to work.  The beauty of this – it works in reverse for the return trip home in the evening too.

Coffee, coffee, coffee! Whether I’m at home or work, if I’m frustrated, exhausted, have a mental block or am just plain procrastinating, I find the simple act of making a coffee very therapeutic.  Of course the chocolate or biccie that inevitably accompany it probably helps with the endorphins too.

Hand cream. I have the most beautiful Cath Kidston Rose & Carnation hand cream. It smells divine & the simple act of rubbing this luscious, silky cream on my hands is amazingly soothing.

Washing up. Strange but true. As much as I resent extra time spent in the kitchen, I find the actual process of washing up relaxing. I also hate waking up to a messy kitchen so it’s a means to an end!

Non of this is earth shattering stuff but up until now, I’ve performed these little rituals semi-consciously. Doing something that calms you and fully appreciating the experience for what it is are two different things.  With this in mind I’ve decided to perform my little rituals much more consciously to ensure I saviour every calm-enducing moment.

Do you have any little rituals that bring peace to your day?



Image from here


  1. LOL. Love the first line of this. Wonderful!

    Visiting via the Rewind.

  2. I need to build some of these into my day. I have a dreadful relationship with routine and ritual. The kids thrive on them. I can’t stand them! So glad that you have these to help you through the day-to-day grind of caring for kids! Thanks for joining the Weekend Rewind (and for the FB plug!) x

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